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Family: An Interview with Kay Lynn Wilson

"What does it mean to act like family? It means forgiveness, repentance, and respect. It means sharing struggles and trials and ups and downs. It means never giving up on those people. And it is striving to see them as God does."

This month I had the opportunity to interview Author Kay Lynn Wilson. Check out her wonderful insights. And be sure to check out her beautiful memoir NOT BROKEN: Infertility, Adoption, and Christ's Power to Heal.

Family holding the sun
Photo by Alonso Reyes

TCA: What inspired you to write Not Broken?

KLW: For many years, I felt broken because of my infertility. I was ashamed and bitter. But through many miracles, and over a number of years, I was taught invaluable lessons that helped me feel not broken. I felt strongly that I should share my journey with others so they would know they weren't alone in the pain and struggle and that there was hope.

TCA: What lessons did you learn through the process of writing this special story?

KLW: I learned so much about the writing process itself, including editing, rewriting, adding to, taking away, publishing. I learned how hard it is to write a book. And I learned that I could do hard things, especially with the help of family, friends, and God.

TCA: What does the term family mean to you?

KLW: It means those who God has brought into my heart and home. Those He has placed in my circle of influence that I can help influence and that will teach me the lessons He needs me most to learn.

TCA: What does it mean to act like family?

KLW: It means forgiveness, repentance, and respect. It means sharing struggles and trials and ups and downs. It means never giving up on those people. And it is striving to see them as God does.

TCA: What is a favorite memory of family time?

KLW: We love to ride our bikes to the farmer's market to get treats and produce. My youngest rides in the bike trailer. And it is just so fun to be outside with everyone.



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